The IHL Talks are a new series of events, hosted by the Geneva Academy, on international humanitarian law and current humanitarian topics.
Maxence Langlois-Berthelot, Mission Protection du Patrimoine Culturel en Danger, French Ministry of Finance.Jonathan Cuenoud, Swiss Minitry of Foreign Affairs.Benjamin Charlier, International Committee of the Red Cross.Stephanie Nebehay, Senior Correspondent at Thomson Reuters.
It will also address the recent international initiatives aiming at enhancing the protection of cultural property, including the creation of the International Alliance for the Protection of Cultural Property in Conflicts Zones (ALIPH), which will be based in Geneva. This IHL Talk will discuss the legal framework protecting cultural property in armed conflicts situations.
In August 2015, The Islamic State group blew up the Baalshamin Temple at Palmyra World Heritage site in Syria, adding one more shocking item to its list of illegal behaviour.